Visual testing and NDT at a distance

NDT Visual Testing is provided by EDG for a wide variety of materials and product types. Our examiners have the right skills in advanced techniques. This helps to identify and interpret visible surface imperfections. In addition to visual inspections, we are able to use computer-controlled imaging systems to measure or inspect components.

Visual testing offers a wide range of options for evaluating the right systems. It also aids in product quality by using effective techniques for detecting surface defects and interruptions. Quantitative results are obtained with the use of advanced tools such as templates, displacement and depth gauges.

Our certified staff of NDT professionals provides quality inspection services to a wide range of industries across the country. Visual Testing services are provided in our laboratories, on-site locations and / or client premises.

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Remote NDT demonstrations already available

In these challenging times, many of us are unable to travel or physically meet. EDG offers customers an invincible inspection advantage: fast and cost-effective solutions that offer new levels of knowledge and control.

EDG is a single source for high performance services and solutions in both eddy current technologies and ultrasonic technologies. We are therefore confident that our NDT remote demonstration will highlight how we can offer an inspection advantage to you.

Our NDT remote demonstrations are simple. They are usually performed directly online with full video and audio capabilities. No special equipment is required on your part. An EDG expert will introduce our products and solutions that are available to your industry. They will highlight key features, capabilities and fully demonstrate the solution, all in a virtual environment.

To request a remote demonstration, feel free to contact us.